Having a simple balcony is a profitable thing because you can decorate this place on a budget. You do not need to buy a lot of furniture and accessories to fill it, just buy the necessary ones.
Balcony vertical garden. Do you have a balcony space in your home? what do you do to make this space more functional and beautiful? renovation? or just the blank space? Actually, you can make this space to
The balcony is a comfortable place to make a place to relax. There you can make a small terrace to enjoy a coffee or just enjoy the atmosphere around your house from a height. You can change
Rooftop spaces is outdoor place in the house. As the name, this space placed on the top of the house. Usually, people changes this space into garden or relaxation place. They putting some chairs and table there.
Balcony house is an additional part of a building that tends to be shaped outward and visible against the wall of the house. Unlike the terrace which is a building whose surface is slightly higher than