9 Simple Room Wall Painting Ideas

Beautify your empty wall with this simple room wall painting and create an elegant nuance in it. You can use these several ideas and adopt them as your wall decoration. As we know, In the painting world has lots of structures and shapes in making some pictures, not only round and square shapes but also more than those. However, those simple shapes can be conjured to be something different and beautiful painting. You can combine those shapes with another shape and create a creative painting. Usually, these simple wall painting shapes are used a lot in their bedroom, dining room, and living room. They want to give the room atmosphere more simple and have elegant looks.

In our posts today, we have 9 simple wall painting ideas that have different shapes and colors. Even though these 9 ideas have simple shapes, with a soft and calm color, you will get something new feeling when you look at this design. Let’s see those adorable ideas below!

The square shapes beautify your dining room interior design.


The round shape makes your room more beautiful and trendy. 




The cute half tube-shape will add the room’s atmosphere higher.




The triangle and hexagon shape that you can use as your place to beautify your wall shelf. 



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